Saturday, March 29

gay sons of lesbian mothers

I saw Kaki King at the Great American Music hall with Stuart on tuesday. I had only heard of her a few days before, but I'm officially hooked. here's her newest video, which they made with over 5,000 still photographs and a bunch of light animators. wow.

the guy who opened for her was pretty good too. his name is Matt Sheeshy. Stuart and I were talking to him after the show, and he asked us where a good place to play is in Berkeley, so hopefully we'll get to see him again at the Ashkenaz pretty soon.

I won't act like a lady as I'm told.
I will have adventures I'll be scarred and bold.

Friday, March 28

flower kisser

the hummingbirds in the nest in our backyard hatched.

the nest is about two inches wide.
the babies both fit comfortably inside.
next time I can I'll try to take a shot of them while the mom's off flying.

a stronger girl would shake this off in flight

Tuesday, March 25

I'm a giraffe

I Want To Be Tall

I've been watching too many america's next top model re-runs

they call me skinny bones and a tall drink of water

Saturday, March 22

eating stars VII

I bide my time while biding my tongue.

there's a certain amount of stupidness others can except with certain people. that is the difference between me and who I look up to. they have the least amount of stupidness excepted. I have the most. so they will except me less when I act stupid to do what I do what they do, and will then look down on me as opposed to up at or perhaps equal with. so I feel bad when I act stupid because I fear other's judgments, but degrade there's in hopes that will cause them to accept me, a choice I can never trust.

this is so normal to write but it's the weirdest thing that'll come out of me, and because of this, and paranoia.

by LaLunaLullaby

let's hope a rollie pollie doesn't result from all this.

Thursday, March 20

I have a twin


the girls with the mousy hair

Saturday, March 15

in the tree

Laura Rose and I went to see the Annie Lebowitz exhibit at the Legion of Honor.

I must be dreaming

spring & all

I've been making a lot of fake polariods lately. I've always wanted a real polaroid camera, but I'm not sure if that will happen now; polariod is going to stop manufacturing its instant film. there's a petition here to request that fujifilm get the license to manufacture it instead.

I feel from the outside in

Monday, March 10

there's a girl

Laura Rose and I went to see The Ditty Bops at the Freight and Salvage on friday. Jesca Hoop played with them, and it was all absolutely amazing. Jesca blew my mind with her wonderful vocals and unique song writing, and Amanda and Abby singing with her made it that much better. their new album is so great, it's a pop up record!
on sunday we rode to the Berkeley campus, ditched our bikes and went spelunking through the culvert to Strawberry Creek park. maybe being knee deep in water flowing through a pitch dark tunnel and wearing crappy shoes and cool headlamps isn't your thing, but I find it marvelous. after biking over to Indian Rock for the first sunset of daylight savings, we topped the day off with green brownies and Firefly. it was a good day.

I bide my time while biting my tongue

Saturday, March 8


she went from park to park picking flowers to make dandelion wine

that's just the way things used to be

Thursday, March 6


how do I hate yearbook? let me count the ways.
you're all passive aggressive self centered egotistical arrogant bitches.

Wednesday, March 5

new soul

I got a $40,000 scholarship to California College of the Arts today
I can't put into words how happy I am, so I won't try, I will show you though the medium I know best, the one that got me into one of the best art colleges in california

I'm so happy I could...







go crazy


Monday, March 3

I went to see Persepolis with Laura Rose on sunday. I've been reading the book during my breaks at the cafe, and finished it on saturday. the translation from illustration to animation was brilliant, as well as from written word to film. Marjane Satrapi is my hero.

Fear lulls our minds to sleep.

Saturday, March 1

uses feeling

right brain vs left brain test

it's usually right for me.
it freaks me out a little when it's left.

turn on me
the worst part is over