there's a certain amount of stupidness others can except with certain people. that is the difference between me and who I look up to. they have the least amount of stupidness excepted. I have the most. so they will except me less when I act stupid to do what I do what they do, and will then look down on me as opposed to up at or perhaps equal with. so I feel bad when I act stupid because I fear other's judgments, but degrade there's in hopes that will cause them to accept me, a choice I can never trust.
this is so normal to write but it's the weirdest thing that'll come out of me, and because of this, and paranoia.

by LaLunaLullaby
let's hope a rollie pollie doesn't result from all this.
Man you are HIGH, fool. What are you talking about?
o man I can barely even remember now. I know what I was trying to say, but this doesn't make any sense.
which kind of proves my point...
but nobody will get that because it's so incomprehensible in the first place. hahaha, o the irony!
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