my idea for my first tattoo is a scribbly scratchy stylized silhouette of a crow flying in profile. it would be on my inside upper arm or the inside of my foot. this morning I thought of my second. I've always wanted something that would be really cohesive, like part of my body. one of my friends has three feathers across the top of her foot, and then feathers going up across her hand and arm. she got the inspiration for it from a painting by one of her favorite artists. I started to think of some of my favorite pieces of works, and almost immediately came to mind a new piece from one of my favorite photographers on deviantArt and flickr,
Mirjan. she creates amazing self portraits, with some of the most original and creative poses and and concepts I've ever seen on these websites. one of her newest series was immediately one of my favorite from her, and the inspiration for my new tattoo idea. two fallen leaves going up my chest and neck. this is obviously not something I will rush into, it's a very large idea, and I'm definitely going to think about it for a year or two.

while writing this I also had another idea for a tattoo, the lone cypress going up my lower to middle back. the lone cypress on the 17-mile drive is the most photographed tree in the world, and it is also my mother's (who's name is Tree) favorite tree. her favorite necklace is one of the lone cypress that her mother gave her when she came out to visit sometime before I was born. my mother's camp name is also cypress. with this idea I could unify all my ideas, by having cypress leaves, and crows in or flying around the tree. (plus it kinda looks like the African trees in the Lion King)
really like the crow idea
You could get the word: "PORN" Tattooed in the There Will Be Blood Font across your entire body!
I love the simple beauty in your pictures. I really take to that style.
But I was wonder what kind of camera you have. I'm in the market.
thank you, but the first three aren't mine, only the last one. they are by an artist called Mirjan, you can find her here and here the fourth and last one I did take with with a nikon d40, but with a lens from a nikon d70. you can find more of my photos here and here if you click the photos you'll go to where they're originally found.
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