Friday, May 2

lavender moon

be nice to me, I gave blood today.

I didn't pass out this time, but I probably almost did so they wouldn't let me leave for an hour.

and why yes, that is a California College of the Arts shirt I am wearing. that's right, it's official. now people won't make fun of me anymore for dressing like this.

I got my scarf and glasses from this week. I'm pretty excited about it.

not only is everything on the website super rad, but the people there are too. you can ask them to draw you stuff in the special instructions section. they have a bunch of them up on their flickr.

this was my order. I thought it was appropriate considering what I was ordering.

I met a girl who sang the blues


Anonymous said...

You're new pictures are lovely. Very Jackie-like and such. And congrats on not fainting.

Sticky said...

we still can make fun of you for those glasses though.

Anna said...

That's so exciting! Way to go Li'l Tomato!