too many internet things going on. don't think I'm gonna use this much any more. follow me on these sites instead plz:
and occasionally maybe here:
god it's great to be alive
takes the skin right off my hide
to think I'll have to give it all up someday
Friday, May 29
Sunday, May 24
I dreamt
Wednesday, May 20
Saturday, May 16
about a month ago there was a weekend when Dr Dog, The Black Keys, and The Fleet Foxes were all playing in the same weekend, and I had to choose. I went to Dr Dog which was amamamazing, but it was still sad I didn't get to see the other two. I'm still dying for them to come around again. this weekend M Ward is playing tonight, and Ben Folds is playing tomorrow night. I like Ben Folds alright, and I know he puts on an incredible live show, but I bought an M Ward ticket because he's one of my new favorite things, I saw him with Zooey Deschanel as She and Him and he was just great (and sexy!), and I really want to see his solo stuff now, I've just gotten into it. yesterday I got an email from this newsletter I get but don't really read. last week I saw they had a contest for free M Ward and Ben Folds tickets, and so I just entered my name and email. well turns out I won! a free Ben Folds ticket! soooooo perfect! I'M SO EXCITED!!!

let's dance
put on your read shoes and dance the blues

let's dance
put on your read shoes and dance the blues
Friday, May 15
young and shitty
I really love that my life is so young and shitty right now. when you're older, you have to have nice things, but for now I'm just so happy being poor. I can wear whatever I want, it doesn't matter how ripped up or stupid it is and it won't mean a thing. I can live in a shit hole and it will be rad. I don't want nice things, I like just living and not thinking about if anything needs to be clean, or if I have to be careful. I can just be young and shitty and happy as fuck.

god it's great to be alive
takes the skin right off my hide
to think I'll have to give it all up someday
Sunday, April 19
the train is lost
the first time I saw the Darjeeling Limited I thought it was ok. didn't really like it that much compared to Wes Anderson's other films, but it was beautiful and all, whatever. it's a brother or a boy film, neither of which apply to me.
the second time I saw it I realized it's one of the funniest films I've ever seen. the humor is just so dry. every line is hilarious, I was cracking up the entire time. and still the most beautiful too.

we haven't located us yet.
the second time I saw it I realized it's one of the funniest films I've ever seen. the humor is just so dry. every line is hilarious, I was cracking up the entire time. and still the most beautiful too.

we haven't located us yet.
Friday, April 17
something amazing happened last night. first of all, I went to see Dr Dog with Jeffrey at the Filmore, and it was incredible. the first band, The Golden Boots, was ok, I didn't really like them, but I didn't have to sit through their set, we got there late and checked out the poster room. The second band was The Cave Singers. they are my new favorite bang. they sounded so good, their performance was really tight. all I could think about while watching them was I hope I see them open at the Greek in five years, and play a sold out show to a sing along audience at the Great American in twenty. The lead singer is just so honest. they all feel the music their playing and pass the feeling on to anyone who listens. I bought their album, and a shirt. I can't remember the last time I bought a shirt at a concert, not to mention for a band I'd heard for the first time that night! the second Dr Dog came on I knew that this concert was going to be worth it. they owned every song, even songs I don't like I loved just becauase the were so into it, and so talented. by the end of the show everyone was screaming along and dancing around. I got up to the front row by the encore, which was five songs long. I think I lost my voice. and I think I'm in love with Zach Miller. it really just proved to me even more that to fully appriciate a band you have to see them live. music isn't little recorded snippets all spliced into one track, it's about playing together and investing yourself in it.
now, if you didn't think it could get more amazing, here it comes. on the bus ride back, we sat next to these two guys who had been standing infront of us for part of the show. we had smoked behind them, and I'd noticed that one of the guys had caught Toby's hat he threw out at the end of the show. they're names are Nick and Benny, and after about five or ten minutes of talking we found out they go to Santa Cruz, but are from Oakland. when they said they went to Oakland Tech, I told them my cousin Lucy went there. turns out, they're good friends of Lucy, and after another couple minutes, we figured out we met before. at her last birthday party I got a ride to bart in a two door car with eight people inside, and Nick was the boy who's lap I sat on! I couldn't believe it! I cannot wait to call Lucy and tell her. we figured out we have all these other connections from both living around here too, and I gave him my number so we can chill next time he's in town. I am so gald I went to this show.

what's the word that means more than a word
what's better than the best thing ever heard
I don't know how but I just got to tell you
now, if you didn't think it could get more amazing, here it comes. on the bus ride back, we sat next to these two guys who had been standing infront of us for part of the show. we had smoked behind them, and I'd noticed that one of the guys had caught Toby's hat he threw out at the end of the show. they're names are Nick and Benny, and after about five or ten minutes of talking we found out they go to Santa Cruz, but are from Oakland. when they said they went to Oakland Tech, I told them my cousin Lucy went there. turns out, they're good friends of Lucy, and after another couple minutes, we figured out we met before. at her last birthday party I got a ride to bart in a two door car with eight people inside, and Nick was the boy who's lap I sat on! I couldn't believe it! I cannot wait to call Lucy and tell her. we figured out we have all these other connections from both living around here too, and I gave him my number so we can chill next time he's in town. I am so gald I went to this show.

what's the word that means more than a word
what's better than the best thing ever heard
I don't know how but I just got to tell you
Tuesday, April 14
the inbetween
I just ordered Honeybody Moonbee's new EP
you should too
(that's Emily, the girl with the ukulele Twigs and Branches has opened with a couple times)
you should too
(that's Emily, the girl with the ukulele Twigs and Branches has opened with a couple times)
Saturday, April 11
a customer at Cafeina said that Maria's matzo ball soup was better than Saul's. someone's gonna get shot.
Friday, April 10
yesterday, I was super cool. wednesday night I got drunk with Clementine and Jeffrey. I joked about how hard we were going to party after I finished printing, and when I got back half the bottle of whiskey I'd had in the fridge was gone. I don't do this often, but I just thought, fuck it, grabbed the bottle, and started chugging it down while Jeff and Clementine watched with mouths wide open. we stayed up until three in the morning. I got up and hung out with Clare and Cole in photo, and made some progress with my final that my teacher is psyched about. on my way back, AJ stopped me to talk about the 4D project, while Mark Johnson waited, that's right, stood there and waited to talk to me about the drawing homework, and how we both hadn't done it and probably weren't going to. during drawing, Colby rolled a spliff as usual and a couple of it smoked it during break on the bench outside our room. I showed Sierra, Lynnea and Rosealie the photos I printed from our camping trip, then listened to the moth podcast inbetween classes with Clementine, then said hi to Cosmo on my way to 4D. our project was due today, but our teacher was chill with us finishing our project over the weekend since we lost a day when our tape went missing, and we just watched other people's movies and first year practice presentations. at break I smoked Dean out which was hella chill. I watched the sound we added to our movie real fast and it's going to sound dank. then on the way back, I ran into the girl I have a crush on while she was on the phone, and she paused to say hi to me, fuck yeah. Lev is in town for passover, and he came with some of his friends and I gave him the bud he asked me to buy for him, and then we went over to Yosemite's and bought some more. after we smoked it we went to Christopher's burger and ate delicious, delicious food. I saw Ashley Carter on the way back and said hi. the end of my night was not so cool, after Lev and them left I decided to go to bed early and had to tell Megan and Angela to turn their music down while everyone was haging a party over there. I was just so tiered and had been talking to so many people all day that I didn't want to deal with having to seem cool infront of this other group of people who I think are super cool and intimidating. I probably would have fucked up and ruined my cool streak, so I didn't risk it. but I felt amazing this morning after getting enough sleep, so it was worth it. I got my job back at Cafeina and I'm working saturdays and picking up a shift today. tonight Lindsay and I are going to an A's game.
I haven't really been posting a lot, so if you're one of the few who read this, and the even fewer who care about my real life, here is a good day. let me tell you, they are not all this good, and there are a few that are better. but I felt really secure yesterday, even though everything that happened might have been mundane, which is sometimes the hardest thing for me. that feeling makes everything else worth it.
also, this is how drunk I was
stay awake and watch for the data
no small caterpillar, go congratulate her
I haven't really been posting a lot, so if you're one of the few who read this, and the even fewer who care about my real life, here is a good day. let me tell you, they are not all this good, and there are a few that are better. but I felt really secure yesterday, even though everything that happened might have been mundane, which is sometimes the hardest thing for me. that feeling makes everything else worth it.
also, this is how drunk I was

stay awake and watch for the data
no small caterpillar, go congratulate her
Friday, April 3
Sunday, March 29
This Is Just To Say
This Is Just To Say
by William Carlos Williams
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold
by William Carlos Williams
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold
Monday, March 2
beaches and bridges
"If Quazar had sounded anything like Dame Satan, the San Francisco quartet that just played the Wednesday-night Americana Ramble at Marilyns on K, I might be translating dispatches from Zeti Reticuli right now. Ever heard music that makes you desperately try to remember if youd innocuously eaten a brownie earlier that could have been, ahem, herbally enhanced? Dame Satans music had that effect. The instrumentation was boilerplate Americana--acoustic guitars, banjos, resonator guitars, bass and maybe even a mandolin--but the execution was closer to chamber music meets jazz. The influences, among them British folk, English post-psychedelic blues rock, spare Delta blues and the sort of weird Americana the Grateful Dead sometimes hinted at, melded into an original whole whose presence was rather startling. The four members played off each other like ancient jazz bodhisattvas, and there was a conscious awareness and manipulation of the spaces between the notes, again more a jazz trait than an element common to more straightforward genres like bluegrass or country. The overall effect is easy to recall. Its like that time you got really buzzed and played guitar in the stairwell and sang, and you heard yourself sounding like something from another dimension."
-- Sacramento News and Views
big silver crow came here to show something inside of me lord only knows
-- Sacramento News and Views
big silver crow came here to show something inside of me lord only knows
Wednesday, February 25
Wednesday, February 11
Friday, February 6
Wednesday, January 28
borrowed dogs
I do not hate my Intro to Modern Art class as much today as usual. while I was doing the ridiculous amount of homework we have for each class I found my new favorite painter, Egon Schiele. I was wikipediaing Expressionism and one of his paintings caught my eye. I've been looking at his work all afternoon and have fallen in love with it. the strong outlines, white backgrounds, broken figures and decrepit poses are extremely intriguing to me. I found through reading about him an essay about portraiture inspired by him written by Richard Avedon, my favorite photographer. it's called "Borrowed Dogs" and I read it and almost cried. I really understand why I love Richard Avedon, and portraiture in general now. this is what I love, and this is what I want to do.

death is a young poet’s romance, and an old man’s business

death is a young poet’s romance, and an old man’s business
Tuesday, January 20
o! happy day
tears of joy, the broadest of smiles and a heart full of pride.
this is where my sister was

shoot the cannons, blow the horns
this is where my sister was

shoot the cannons, blow the horns
Monday, January 19
Wednesday, January 14
Tuesday, January 6
"so hip"

Jason, Jeffrey, and their friend Tim picked me up from the airport today and we stopped at a Denny's on the way back. the woman who rang us up asked us if we were from England. we laughed and said, no we're from San Deigo, and asked her why she thought that. she said that we looked so hip she assumed we had to be foreign.
there's plenty of sunshine heading my way
Sunday, January 4
I always love it when people make their profile picture on facebook one of my photos, and I've noticed that a good amount of my friends have. it makes me proud.
I'm gonna love you till the day I was born
I'm gonna love you till the day I was born
Saturday, January 3
apple blossom
I just got into The White Stripes. they're my new folk revival obsession. I know, I'm a little late. really I just started listening to them because they were quoted in an article I read about folk revival for my eight page research paper. (did I mention I wrote that paper in one seventeen hour night?) I'm mostly interested in their lyrics, which draw strongly from folk and blues roots. I love a twist on tradition.

Annie Lebovitz
I've been thinking
of a little place down by the lake
they got a dirty little road leading up to the house
I wonder how long it will take 'till we're alone
sitting on the front porch of that home
stomping our feet on the wooden boards
never gonna worry about locking the door
It might sound silly
for me to think childish thoughts like these
but I'm so tired of acting tough
and I'm gonna do what i please
let's get married
in a big cathedral by a priest
cause if I'm the man that you love the most
you could say i do at least

Annie Lebovitz
I've been thinking
of a little place down by the lake
they got a dirty little road leading up to the house
I wonder how long it will take 'till we're alone
sitting on the front porch of that home
stomping our feet on the wooden boards
never gonna worry about locking the door
It might sound silly
for me to think childish thoughts like these
but I'm so tired of acting tough
and I'm gonna do what i please
let's get married
in a big cathedral by a priest
cause if I'm the man that you love the most
you could say i do at least
Friday, January 2
Thursday, January 1
use the school gym
go to yoga classes
sell all my old stuff
dress better
think before speaking
let's fall in love with fate
go to yoga classes
sell all my old stuff
dress better
think before speaking
let's fall in love with fate
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