today I had three maybes in terms of what I was going to do and who I was going to do it with, yet somehow I still ended up watching america's next top model re-runs. I'm not ashamed to admit I like the show, I only watch the re-runs so I can do it on my own time, I fast forward through the commercials and the stupid girl drama, and what I'm really interested in is the art direction of the photography and all the amazing photographers from around the world. no matter what though, I'd still rather be hanging out with my friends. the sucky thing is though, since it took so long to figure out that two of the people couldn't do anything after all, it was too late to get together with the third. that's like, my biggest pet peeve. it's why Max and I broke up, he was afraid to hurt my feelings, so instead of saying anything, he just silently let it get worse and worse. that's an extreme example, but back to today, if people had just told me, "actually, I don't think I'm going to be up to doing anything today," or, "sorry, turns out I'm busy" it wouldn't have been that big a deal. but instead they say maybe, or nothing at all, and by the time I find all that out, everyone else has already made other plans and told me, "sorry, maybe if you asked earlier." well you know what, I would have asked earlier, but someone else had given me a maybe, and I didn't just want to ditch them in case it turned into a yes. but recently, there have only been no's. I try to plan ahead, and no one knows until the last minute; I try to do things at the last minute, and everyone has something already planned. and people ask me why I'm so anti-social...
sorry, that turned into a bit of a rant. no, a really really big rant. if you can't tell, I'm having a really shitty day.
putting aside the fact that I can't stand my parents and they are the main reason for my shitty day, I would just like to mention that they watch top model with me. I hate it that they watch tv with me, but I can't tell them to leave because then they'd get all mad at me. so since I can't get them to leave, I just kind of laugh at the fact that most of the tv they watch is what I watch, which means Flight of the Conchords, Even Stevens, Scrubs, Project Runway, and yes, america's next top model re-runs. my dad will leave randomly to do more important things (which is really anything else...), but when he comes back, asks about girls
by name. he occasionally guesses who's going to win, but usually likes to call who's going to be out each week. for me, the fact that he refers to them all by their names though, is fucking hilarious. whenever I accuse him of liking it as much as me he gets all defensive. today he said, "just don't tell my friends I know about america's next top model. I can deal with watching project runway, but I don't want anyone to hear about me and antm." (he thinks since Tim Goodman from the Chronicle likes project runway, it's ok). we both do agree on one thing, and share the passion for hating Tyra Banks, but that's a whole other post. as much as my dad annoys me sometimes, he can also amuse me just as much.

it's raining...
Yikes sooooooorrry! I totally didn't bring my phone with me to Berkeley! :( sorry for contributing to your shitty day! On the upside though, I got a sweet new hat, but that probably isn't any consolation.
I'm sorry you had a shitty day, but the blog itself must be therapeutic, eh? We shouldn't haven't departed so weirdly after New Year's. I ended up having a lame day and I wish it would have been with you. Well, you know Nat and I are quite literally always around. Just a holler away.
I love you lots and all that silly buisiness
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