I saw the Indigo Girls at the Fillmore in January of 2006. I went with my dad as my Chanukkah present. my sister got an ipod. I'm not bitter or anything, I like their early stuff, but they played a lot of new stuff, and they were forty dollar tickets, but it was a two hundred dollar ipod.
I went along with my parents and some of their friends to a David Bromberg concert at the Palace of Fine Arts sometime last spring. I saw so many parents of kids from my school. I don't know why he's famous, or how he's famous, and I'd never heard of him before, and haven't heard of him since, but trust me, he's freaking famous. you wouldn't know it, but everyone over the age of 45 knows who he is and silently worships him.
Jake Shimibukuro at Yoshi's was a fabulous show. Lev showed me the video of While My Guitar Gently Weeps (I highly recommend it) a while back, but I rediscovered him recently through a radio interview. I knew that he would be one of those people that you didn't think could get any more amazing until you saw them live, so I went to see him with Cosmo and he definitly was.
David Grisman played the Freight and Salvage, and I saw him with Sarah and my dad and probably some other people, but it was a while ago and I don't really remember it that well. I do know it was really good, and his son played bass and was also really good. if you don't know who he is, he's another one of those really famous people; his deal is he reinvented the mandolin.
Just the other week I saw The Roches and Louden Wainright III at the Great American Music Hall. I listened to The Roches when I was very very young, but didn't know who they were until I was listening to some of my dad's old cds and suddenly had a flashback to driving in our old subaru. they have the most amazing unique voices, and it amazes me that they can still sing the same range after thirty years. I didn't know who Wainwright was, but I did enjoy him, and he is quite funny. you might know him as Katherine Heigl's gynecologist(as Louden Wainwright) in Knocked Up, and actually while I was looking that up, I found that he's been in quite a few other major motion pictures as himself you've probably heard of. so I'm going to put him under the category of very very famous, but no one my age has ever heard of.
A very long time ago, like before my Bat Mitzvah, so what year was that... summer of 2003, Sophie brought me along with her to see the Dixie Chicks at the Oakland Colosseum. I'd never heard their music before that, so I don't remember much, but I do remember that Michelle Branch opened and I was really into one of her songs being played on the radio at the time. yeah...
My first concert was in fourth grade, and I am only slightly ashamed to say that it was Britney Spears on her Oops I Did It Again tour. I went with Chanelle, and her mom made us pretty dresses just for the occasion. In my defense, it was quite a long time ago, and I wasn't old enough to know what the word slutty meant.
I've been going to the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival for the past six years out of the seven it's been going on. it's a giant free concert in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, featuring a lot of those famous people I've never heard of, and the old people who love them, especially while stoned. I'm not going to try to tell you all the people I've seen there, because there have been too many to count, and truthfully, I don't know who most of them are. I would like to feature Richard Thompson though, who is possibly the best guitar player alive. he does an absolutely amazing version of my favorite song my dad used to sing to me when I was little, 1952 Vincent Black Lightning. I really can't describe it, but I can feel something powerful every time I hear it.
a bit of history: these bands are all amazing, but they are mostly my parent's bands, so I don't have as much personally to say about them. that's the only reason they don't all get their own posts, it has nothing to do with how good they are. plus I didn't want to do this for another two weeks, I have other things to share with the world (or, you know, probably just Parker... hi Parker... I'm doing this instead of art history homework)
photo of the day:

happy late Chanukah
By Christopher Brown
"Francine Taylor is a Holocaust survivor. this menorah belonged to her grandmother, the Nazi's left in the front lawn of their house when invading Paris and was found when they returned after Liberation."
i don't listen to bands that don't exist, i listen to the ones that have existed forever, but you've been too busy up on your indier than thou cloud to notice.
1 comment:
LOLE! Indier than thou cloud. Best cloud ever. But wooooooooooow okay that guy is amazing. That video blew my mind. PROOOOOPS.
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